Irish Continental Group PLC takes delivery "Westpac Express".
Irish Continental Group PLC ("ICG") is pleased to announce that, further to the announcement issued on 15 April 2016, it took delivery of the High Speed Craft "Westpac Express" from BALI Westpac 2006, LLC on 1 June 2016.
The Vessel has been onward delivered by ICG to Sealift LLC who has in turn chartered the Vessel to Military Sealift Command, a U.S government organisation. The charter is subject to usual US government procurement regulations and is fixed for a firm 4 month period to 30 September, with charterer's options to extend the charter period to a maximum of 59 months in total.
The vessel was built in 2001 by Austal Ships, Australia. It has a gross tonnage of 8,403 tonne, passenger capacity of 900 and a car carrying capacity of 182 units.